Trends in Graphic Design

Nothing is Too Old, Nothing is Too New: Emerging Trends in Graphic Design

Graphic design is a field that has seen trends emerge like hot popcorns out of a tub. Bold, loud,
and happening! With stark ultraviolet colors, augmented reality (AR), and a wide plethora of
out-of-the-box experiments that the field of graphic design has been indulging in, looking
forward to something new and newer by day is true excitement.

The creative output in this respect has seen an upward curve like never before. Creative tools are
now out in the open, democratized, and unbracketed. With resources such as Canva and
PicMonkey out there, experimentation with designs is at its boom. And spotting the trends? More
challenging than ever!

Visual communication is all about better interaction with the audience. With the emergence of
subtle motion into previously static designs, designers now aim at micro-interaction that
captivate their audiences’ attention. Brownie points because these subtle motions are visually
very pleasing.

Bringing back the oldie is the new trend! Brands are now going back to serif typefaces with
pastel colors. The revival of these older fonts and designs work perfectly on print. Experiments
of older aesthetics are beginning to being performed on the web and screen as well. Who doesn’t
like some retro?

Memphis is one of those trends that did not quite die out with the passage of time. Time- more
like- the 1980s! It remerged as a design movement, drawing its inspiration from Art Deco, Pop
Art and everything in the ‘50s and ‘60s. A full-fledged rebellion against rigid, sleek, and uniform
design, Memphis is the new sheriff in town.

Yet another ever-emerging trend, bold gradients. There are over 16 million unique sRGB colors,
and designers have not failed to take full advantage of this. Gradients provide that much-needed
variation and depth to what one might call “flat”. Vivid, ultraviolet colors continue to be the

Designers have taken to experimenting with a variety of fills. Coupling these experimental fills
will negative spaces build a trendy aesthetic which is a go-go. Apple is the most important
example in this regard. Patterns, illustrations, abstract geometric shapes- you name it, they use it.
Broken grids, extended lines, disarrayed lines, color spills, type spills, light spills. Graphic
design is indeed moving towards open composition and is staging a revolt against the
long-standing rule of thumb. There is an obvious shift towards post-modern aesthetics in recent
designs. A sudden upsurge in usage of montage is seen, a new face to collage is emerging.
Flowers – faces, vectors – photos, trend-postmodern. Graphic design is now eclectic.
Augmented Reality is the king of interaction. In history, we saw virtual Pokemons first.

Although it is feared that AR might not last long, its function seems to be promising currently. If
your posters coming to life, your illustrations vibing to that beat isn’t going to set a trend like
never before, what will?

Is it possible to name more emerging trends in the area of graphic design? Indeed. New trends
emerge with every passing day, every passing hour. Nothing is too old, nothing is too new.


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